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Place In This World

For King + Country

A man in glasses and a suit standing in front of a stained glass window

What Matt Maher realized about his song “Lord, I Need You” after having a child

Gabrielle Schulenberg

Once upon a time, you were a baby. Tiny, helpless, innocent; a newborn human being. The most advanced activity you could do was grasp your mom or dad’s finger with your tiny, chubby hand. You were so small, your parents had to do everything for you all the time. You needed them desperately simply to survive.

Yes, once you were a very vulnerable and needy child, but that was a long time ago. Now, you can take care of yourself much more than your newborn self could even come close to. Especially if you’re a working, high functioning adult, you may believe you can do most everything for yourself now. But what if that belief is wrong?

The fact is, our independence is absolutely wonderful and feels amazing, and we can celebrate that! Yet, we are in desperate need, even in our independence, for God’s presence.

Regardless of if you’re a Christian, Atheist, Buddhist or anything else, you need Jesus. Like, your soul aches for Him, your entire being craves Him.

If you’re a fan of Christian music, or a listener of us here at Life 96.5, you’ve probably heard the song “Lord, I Need You” sung by Matt Maher. It captures the essence of how necessary God is in our lives.

Matt Maher and fellow artists Kristian Stanfill, Daniel Carson, Jesse Reeves, and Christy Nockels created the song “Lord, I Need You” and it has since reached the ears of millions. On YouTube alone, the song has been played 55 million times in the ten years since its release.

Matt Maher performs the song with power and authenticity, which may not be achievable if not for the deep connection he has to the lyrics. As many listeners may understand, the song dives into the reality of how deeply we need God. And if you are a Believer, it is likely that these lyrics resonate in a unique way.

The song held great meaning for Matt, but he was astonished when the verses he sung grew even more poignant the day he had his son. Suddenly, Matt held an infant in his hands who was helpless, and ever so needy.

Matt recalls the verse “every hour, I need you” as he fed his child, changed his diapers, and cared for him constantly. He pondered what needing God really meant for Christians. What would it be like to put into perspective the desperate neediness we have for our Creator as if it’s just like how a newborn needs their parent?

Whether consciously or not, we cry out for God like Matt Maher’s son cries for his parents. We need Him in each moment of our lives, and without Him, we won’t last long. Like a parent toward their young child, God’s wisdom is far greater than our own. He knows how to care for us even when we don’t see how it’s possible.

Matt Maher’s perspective on the song – and our need for God – changed ever since that concept hit him. He now contemplates how he can display the kind of faith in God that his son must have in him.

And how amazing is it, that God has designed us and holds us dear? He doesn’t build us just to leave and let us fend for ourselves. He is present and active in our lives.

Even when we rebel, God’s grace envelops us. And like the prodigal son, or the lost sheep, or Peter after denying Jesus three times, we often find ourselves closing our eyes to our Creator. We are so focused on living and surviving, that we forget the God who gave us life has all the answers we need.

And so now, when Matt Maher sings “Lord, I Need You,” he recalls his son as an infant, and how much a baby needs their caregivers. He recalls how God molds human beings from clay and builds us up with such care. He remembers how God holds the world and speaks the universe into existence. And he hopes for each person who hears the song to take a moment, and dwell on God, and how much we need Him.

If you’d like more music that helps you dwell on God, you can tune in to Life 96.5 on the radio, on our app, or through streaming it on our website! We hope you enjoy the hope-filled Christian tunes!