September 16, 2024 @ 6:00 pm – 7:30 pm
Pipestone Women’s Connection cordially invites you to a dinner at the Christian Reformed Church, 800 2nd Ave. S.E., Pipestone on Monday Evening, September 16, 2024.
$10 (includes tax & tip) * 6:00 – 7:30 p.m. (Please note time change!)
First time guest tickets are complimentary.
FEATURE: Fall Evening Fashion Show featuring The Clothier by Dawn
It’s attitude, not age, that determines your style! Come and enjoy our Fall Evening Fashion Show featuring The Clothier by Dawn, and admire the sophisticated, timeless fashions and accessories you won’t find anywhere else.
SPEAKER: Beverly Turnwall Swenson, Lincoln, NE
Title: Life is a Journey: Have Map, GPS, Will Travel
Beverly (and Dennis) will share how their two separate journeys became one. Now they journey down the same road together.
Reservations for dinner and complimentary child care by Thursday, September 12 please.
Please call * Rosie: 605-201-6484 * Marian: 507-820-1272 * Susan: 507-920-6675

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